Created this blog to let everyone know about the status and issues that we are having with Sobha Developers. Yes its an ISO 9001 company which is planning for an IPO soon here in India.
There are 2 forums that capture all the discussions and issues that we as an customer have with Sobha Developers.
Google Groups:
MSN Groups:
We encourage all members who have a booking in Sobha Dreams to join this group and post your experience.
Lastly we dont want to limit this group blog to just dreams project but to any Shobha customers who are frustrated with the way they handle the projects.
isnt there any way we can know why this project is actually getting delayed..sobha has given an explanation but cant we track it ourselves..if the issue is pending with the govt. maybe we can use RTI to know whats happening
What's the point of this blog ? You will post and others will read ? Doesn't look like others can also post..
Anyone interested in positing pls sign-up and give me you id. I'll have you added as the publisher. This would be a group blog rather than just me posting.
The intent of this blog was to make sure that our forums (msn and googlegroups) are searchable . The problme with google groups is that its in beta and any message posted on it does not showup in google search engine result
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